per aspera (ad astra)


percussion, bass clarinet and violin

  • solo percussion
    marimba [4.3 octave with separated layer of resonators for ‘black’ and ‘white keys’, mallets needed: medium yarn beaters (rattan shaft x4, wooden shaft x4), hardest yarn beaters x4 (all with rattan shafts), softest yarn beaters x4, prepared plastic binding comb]; 2 tom-toms [pitch: mid or high-mid, very low]; gran cassa [dry sound needed, place damping device (e.g. cloth) if needed]; wind gong [coin/metal]; 1 single plate of crotale (E5) [coin/metal]

    offstage part:
    glockenspiel [very hard mallets x4]; trap table x1; single plate of crotale (E5) [hardest beater or triangle beater x1]

    bass clarinet in Bb
    also doubling on:
    1 single plate of crotale (Bb5) [hardest beater or triangle beater x1]


  • The work features percussion solo (predominantly different sounds on marimba) as the timbre source, in which different subtle tone color shades are explored.

    The music embarks on its journey in the chaotic first movement, where obstacles are presented in highly polarized patterns as foreign pitches to the tone “A2”, the “root” of the whole work. After the noisy, then mechanical and hoarse first movement would the music arrives in a more peaceful second movement which the bass clarinet would join the marimba solo to become the agent to transform the highly dissonant foreign tones into more conjunct lines. The last movement features instead a violin solo, in which the violin would “place” the chromatic notes, originally anchored in the lower octaves of the marimba, into their correct places (higher octaves) in the spectrum of “A” as partials, then they would no longer be foreign to “A”, just like the stars in the galaxy.

    This also represents the title “per aspera”, that the process of one overcoming obstacles would leave traces and probably reincarnate in the stars that we all long to reach (“(ad astra)”).


World Premiere Dec 3 2021
Lee Hysan Concert Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Arthur Lo, percussion | Jerry Lee, bass clarinet | Samuel Leung, violin

First Movement World Premiere Nov 12 2021
Lee Hysan Concert Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bauhinia Concert 2021

Arthur Lo, percussion

Composed Aug - Dec 2021
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Scores for perusal


Mon étoile, ça sera pour toi une des étoiles [organ]