The Flame Tree


string quartet

  • Violin I

    Violin II



  • This piece is the second in the series of work inspired by poem of Ye Si. Conforming to the length of the first work of approximately 7 minutes, the music traces the structure of the poem and is “ad-hoc” in nature. The Flame Tree, signifying the mid-Spring of Hong Kong, is recast into a heavier subject by the poet. The composer tries to mime the narrative of the poem and its physical structure through the articulation of the string instruments. Hence the piece is not about the actual entity of flame tree, but the colorful political world that Ye Si imagined in his journey meeting the species.

    作為《也斯詩集靈感集》的第⼆⾸⾳樂作品,《鳳凰⽊》和前作⼀樣⻑約7 分鐘。這段短途旅程 中,作曲家嘗試以⾳樂重塑新詩的結構,並以弦樂特有的技巧反映詩句的語調。《鳳凰⽊》詩詞⾏間,也斯並沒有以現實描寫的⽅法⼊⽂,反⽽加以豐富的聯想,為勃勃⽣機的樹⽊注⼊⼀份陰沉的⾊彩。此作品也沒有描繪樹⽊本體,取⽽代之是跟隨也斯的⼼路歷程,與鳳凰⽊再次邂逅。 


Score-reading Session May 5 2020
Chung Chi Chapel, Chung Chi College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Cong Quartet:
Chik Yiu-ting, Sally Law (violins), Caleb Wong (viola), Cheng Yan-ho (violoncello)

Composed Feb - Apr 2020
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Score for perusal


Le motif disparu [v1, v2, vla, vc]


Oblivion [v1, v2, vla, vc]