Performing 演奏

Having studied in the studio of Mr. Cheung Wai-fung since young age, He is also an avid huqin musician who actively explores and expands the sonic palette of the instrument. He performs on multiple huqin instruments, including but not limited to gaohu, erhu, banhu and jinghu. He has acted as the concertmaster of Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra from 2018 to 2022 where he has followed the orchestra to tours in Singapore, Taiwan, Shenyang and Shanghai. He has also been freelance musician of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Wong participates in the Chamber Chinese Orchestra of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and has toured in Tsinghua University at Beijing China, as well as University of Cambridge and University of Oxford in the United Kingdom as delegation of the university. Wong is also a versatile keyboardist, majoring in organ in his undergraduate years under tutelage of Dr. Anne Lam and having studied with Hans Hellsten and Anders Johnson in Sweden. Back in his hometown, he is a collaborative pianist and has been répétiteur for multiple choirs.

Wong currently serves Hong Kong New Music Ensemble as assistant conductor. At the university, he conducts the Chung Chi Student Chinese Orchestra, and he led ensemble to premiere student colleagues’ works in various concerts. He aspires to continue leading contemporary ensembles in his future career.

(Jan 2023)

黃正彥曾師承張偉鋒修習胡琴演奏。作為胡琴演奏者,黃氏能演奏多種不同胡琴,包括高胡、二胡、板胡、京胡等。他勇於探索樂器的不同可能性,擅長於現代曲目。黃氏曾於2018至2022年擔任香港青年中樂團樂團首席,曾隨團赴新加坡、台灣、瀋陽和上海演出。他亦曾為香港中樂團胡琴特約樂師。大學時期,曾於香港中文大學音樂系中樂小組擔任二胡樂師,亦曾代表中大出訪英國劍橋大學、牛津大學和北京清華大學。除胡琴演奏,黃氏亦擅於演奏鍵盤樂器。大學時期曾隨香港著名管風琴家林芍彬主修管風琴演奏,並曾於瑞典師承Hans Hellsten 和 Anders Johnsson。鋼琴方面,他亦曾與本地合唱團和獨奏家合作。

