

Chinese strings ensemble
(17 Chinese strings)

  • 3 Gaohu (Soprano Chinese membraned bowed strings)

    6 Erhu (Mezzo-soprano Chinese membraned bowed strings)
    All Erhus equipped with mutes.

    3 Zhonghu (Alto Chinese membraned bowed strings)

    3 Gehu (Chinese membraned violoncello)

    2 Bass Gehu (Chinese membraned double bass)

    This work is written for 17 Chinese string musicians, with each of them playing solo on individual lines.
    No parts should be doubled. Musicians should also treat each part contributing equally to the music.

  • Thoughts and ideas will brew when one stays quietly in a certain space. In order for these thoughts to take shape, they must be supported by physical space. Alternating between “space” and “thoughts”, the music toes the line between fantasy and reality. As we journey through various spaces, we can look forward to the kind of thoughts and emotions that gradually develop or suddenly blossom into being.

    靜靜棲息於某個空間會醞釀出思緒,思緒需要實體的空間承托而得以實現。音樂以 〔空間〕和〔思緒〕相間,遊走於虛與實之間。在穿梭各空間的旅途上,可以期待會 緩慢發展或突然綻放出怎樣的思緒情感。


World Premiere Jul 3 2020
Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall, Hong Kong
Concert: Music from the Heart 2020

Strings section from Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
Conductor: Chew Hee-chiat

Composed Dec 2019 - Jan 2020
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Scores for perusal


Recording of Premiere


Youthful Days Suite [large Chinese orchestra]