All But Love


for large orchestra

  • 1, 2, 2+CA, 2+BCl, 2+CBsn

    4, 3, 3 (2 Tenor, 1 Bass), 1

    1 (5 heads), 2

    Percussion 1:

    Glockenspiel, Crotales [2 octaves], Cymbals [pair], Suspended Cymbal [with brighter tone]

    Percussion 2:

    Vibraphone, Suspended Cymbal [low, not bright], Tam-tam [large], Triangle [bright, heavy overtones], Bass Drum


    14, 12, 10, 8, 6 (the number of musicians are exact)

  • Drawing on several motives from the Ring, such as the signature interval of Hagen and the lyrical melodic flow of ‘Brünnhilde in Love’, the orchestra flows in different speed in thick texture, developing vast number of sonorities. ‘You first lost in time’, as said by Sue Elliott at the symposium, in which Wagner artfully crafted for the audience to immerse in the world of Wagnerian Opera, the music flows in no tempo and nostagia. The first few chordal sounds from the Götterdämmerung unweaves into lines of woodwind melodic shapes.

    The dissonant Hagen motif, symbolizing dark forces, interferes and hence begins their rivalry. The first halt is marked by a short appearance of a fixed tonality at a relaxed atmosphere by the woodwinds, not long before it is again taken up by rapid variants of the Rhine motif by the strings, the music suddenly runs into a fast wind, and the Hagen motif struggles with its consonant version.

    At last the music burst into joy and ecstasy, leading to the highest climax. The music ends with sublimation of all feelings and senses, all into the empty perfect fifth that represents the void of love that Hagen’s motif resolves into.




Workshop and World Premiere Mar 13 2018
Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong
Public Working Session and Showcase: HK Phil Composers Workshop – Beyond the Ring

Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Sebastian Perłowski

Composed Feb - Mar 2018
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Scores for perusal


Recording of Premiere


Les orbites éternelles [large Chinese orchestra]