Wong is active in composing, conducting, and performing. He is studying Master of Music at The Chinese University of Hong Kong majoring in composition under Prof. Kai-young Chan. He has also studied pipe organ under tutelage of Dr. Anne Lam in his undergraduate years. Wong composes music across a range of genres, instruments, and styles. He endeavours to explore the dialogue between familiarity and alienation, and the relationship between music and sound by considering musical instruments as sound objects.

His works have been performed both locally and internationally in the United States, Sweden, Spain, and etc. They are also selected to renowned festivals such as June in Buffalo and the VIPA festival. In January 2021, his work Escaping through the Inexistent Door for solo trumpet was selected to be presented in HKNME’s new season. Among his major recent works are le motif disparu written for Mivos Quartet, Lullaby for Ensemble Signal, Wind Quintet Wandering Glimmer and Broken Light composed for the Hong Kong Wind Kamerata, and Les orbites éternelles for Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra. 

In 2019, Wong had two successful European premieres under tutelage of Rolf Martinsson, Steffan Storm, Kent Olofsson and Ricordi artist Luca Francesconi at the Malmö Academy of Music, adding to his œuvre a brass ensemble piece Lointain and an electroacoustic-instrumental work Aurora 0 – Search for Light, written for erhu and surrounded sound. In 2018, All but Love for orchestra was premiered by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and erhu trio Mixture entered the ‘Match-making Concert’ by RTHK.

For Chinese orchestral music, Wong’s works Lullaby II, Tranquility, Entanglements and Fanfare were selected for the ‘Music from the Heart’ concerts of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. He is subsequently commissioned in 2020 by the orchestra to write The Song of Youth, a 14-minute long orchestral piece to mark the opening of their youth orchestra. In March 2016, his Chinese orchestral miniature ...Standing at the far end of street, where the candlelight is the dimmest was performed and discussed in the orchestral workshop at the Chinese Music Without Bounds - International Composers' Summit.


Wong is currently serving Hong Kong New Music Ensemble as assistant conductor. At the university, he conducts the Chung Chi Student Chinese Orchestra and he also led ensemble to premiere student colleagues’ works in various concerts. He aspires to continue leading contemporary ensembles in his future career. He is also an avid huqin musician who actively explores and expands the sonic palette of the instrument. He performs on multiple huqin instruments, including but not limited to gaohu, erhu, banhu and jinghu. He has acted as the concertmaster of Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra from 2018 to 2022, and has been huqin freelance musician of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra.

(Biography as of Jan 2023)

黃正彥活躍於作曲、演奏和指揮。香港中文大學音樂碩士研究生,隨陳啟揚教授專修作曲,並曾師承林芍彬主修管風琴。他的作品曾在國內外演出。黃氏樂於創作不同類型、不同樂器編制的音樂作品,並透過不同媒介探索陌生與熟悉聲音的對話。他也研究廣義聲音和音樂的關係。他亦曾參與知名音樂節如June in Buffalo(美國)和VIPA音樂節(西班牙)。2021年一月,小號獨奏《從那扇不存在的門逃跑》入選香港創樂團新樂季曲目。近期主要作品包括為現代音樂先鋒米費斯弦樂四重奏(美國)而寫的《消失的動機》、為Ensemble Signal(美國)而寫的《搖籃曲》、為管樂雅集而寫的木管五重奏《流螢斷續光》,和為香港青年中樂團而寫的中樂合奏《永恆不變的軌跡》。

2019 年赴瑞典交流時曾師承馬丁森、史湯姆、奧洛夫森和著名意大利作曲家弗蘭切斯科尼,並海外首演了銅管合奏《遠方》和電子音樂與二胡《極光之零 – 光的搜尋》。2018年,香港管弦樂團首演管弦樂作品《除了愛情以外......》。此外,二胡三重奏《混合物》入選香港電台創藝匯新聲  2018  音樂會。


現代中樂合奏方面,作品《搖籃曲 II》、《恬靜一隅》、《纏繞》、 《嘹亮》和《淅瀝》入選香港中樂團「心樂集」徵曲活動。香港中樂團曾於2020年委約長達十四分鐘的作品《青春之歌》作為旗下青年樂團的創團節目。2016  年  3  月,作品《那人,卻在燈火闌珊處》於「中樂無疆界-國際作曲家高峰會」上被香港中樂團演奏。


