Wandering Glimmer and Broken Light


wind quintet

  • Flute, Oboe, Clarinet in Bb, Horn in F, Bassoon

  • This work’s form is derived from a poem by the Japanese poet Hokushi Tachibana, drawing parallels between loneliness and the darkness between glimmers. The music spirals into rich affections three times, each time stronger. At the heights, you may notice traces of the melodic fragments in the slow passage climactic moments from the first movement of John Adams’ Harmonielehre, a work that I listened to so frequently these days that it became embedded.

    光的一閃一滅引來隨後的空寂,或許比沒有光來得更寂寞。作品以立花北枝的詩 句為起點:光時感動,暗時寂寞。光暗的交替帶來音樂的潮湧。我最近常聽John Adams 的Harmonielehre。當中第一樂章慢板的高潮幾個小節很令我感動,希望 可以在作品中三次遞升的綻放感動之中找到我模仿它的影蹤。

World Premiere Oct 15 2021
Auditorium, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Hong Kong
Concert: Music Salon I

Hong Kong Wind Kamerata:
Carmen Ma (flute), Sze Yu-hey Kenneth (oboe), Stephen Chong (clarinet), Lee Wai-ching Vivian (bassoon), Richard Ho (horn)

Composed Sep 2019
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Score for perusal


Lullaby [fl, cl, pno, perc, vln, vc]


Lointain [3 tpts, fgh, hn, 3 tbn, bstbn, tba]